Sunday, 15 July 2012

Structural Functionalism Theory

Structural -Functionalism Theory

The structural functional theory sees the family as a social institution that performs certain essential function for society. If these functions are not carried out then the family is said to be dysfunctional. The family is like our body that has different parts and each part has a different function. The family is the backbone of the society and if it fails to pass on certain values and attitudes to its members then society will be affected. In our society today we can see that little respect is shown to the elderly, teachers and other persons in authority as a result of this we have a myriad of problems in our schools and in the society in general.

The theory further states that each family performs four main functions namely, sex, procreation, economic and socialization. In every family the father performs instrumental roles such as that of a bread winner while the wife performs expressive roles such as that of a home maker. One drawback with this theory is that it does not recognize the any other family form apart from the nuclear family.  Therefore my single parent family is not considered to be a family. Although I do understand there several factors that causes a breakdown in family structure.

In my family chores are shared I am not the only one that cook or clean the house and we both perform economic functions. It would be nice to be a stay home mom however due to economic reasons we both have to work in order to maintain the house. As a family we will ensure that our off springs are socialized so that they can make a positive contribution to society.

The Structural Functionalism

In studying the theory of structural functionalism I really can connect with the aspect that speaks towards the family operating as the human body. This simply means that the family consists of several members that performs different tasks and must be functioning properly for the well- being of the whole family. However I disagree with this theory when it suggest that if the man does not performs instrumental roles and the woman does not perform the expressive roles that the family will be dysfunctional. In my family we do not stick to the roles outline in this theory, what we do is assist each other. We both work as well as perform household duties. Although I must admit that some roles will not change for example my spouse will assist with cooking or tidying the house but washing and nurturing ( taking care of the baby) is usually left for me to do. Likewise there are tasks that I will leave specifically for him to do. I do not view my family as dysfunctional although there are times when my partner will neglect his duties or responsibilities and this causes conflicts from time to time.

The structural functional theory helps me to understand why men shirk away from performing expressive roles and women today still believes that a man is to be the breadwinner for the family. The way we behave as a family and the roles that were assigned to us based on our gender is causing conflicts in homes. Even though society has changed and families continue to evolve the pre - assigned tasks are still in the back of our minds. Until families decide to compromise and do what is best for the family to function then there will forever be conflicts in the family.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Structural- Functionalism Theory

This theory deals with the family as a social institution which perform important functions in society. The structural – functionalism perspective sees the family doing its part by preparing its members in a way that will benefit the society. These are: good behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, values and norms. This however, will vary according to the family type. The family is like a body or system and each member performs a function and each function performed is different and vitally important. The members in a family typically the nuclear family are interdependent everyone depends on each other for the proper functioning of the system. Example the heart is dependent on the lungs and brain for the body to function properly. With the structural –functionalism perspective if one part or a person is not doing its or his/her part then it is said to be dysfunctional. The family is said to be not functioning as a whole and something is wrong with that family. The family performs four main functions namely: sex, socialization, promotes economic support and procreation.

 In the nuclear family according to the structural –functionalism perspective the father has the instrumental function as the breadwinner and the wife or mother plays the expressive functions example the homemaker. I can a test to this as growing up in my family of origin that is the family I was born in, my father would go out and work and my mother would stay at home wash, cook, clean and be there to talk to us when my brother and I had a bad day. This theory was developed back in the days when the man should be providing for the household and as such they did not see the gender inequalities and other issues such as freedom of choice. However, today all of this has changed as we now have mothers going out to work and fathers being the stay at home dad. This I see in my community as my neighbour is the stay at home dad where he takes care of the house and the baby whiles his wife goes out each morning to work.