Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Structural/Functionalism Theory. What are your thoughts?


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    1. The Structural Functionalism Theory
      The Structural/Functionalism Theory views the family as a system. I too agree that the family is a system. A system is made up of a set of parts or things that work together. For any family to function as a unit, the members must work together. When compared to a system each family members are dependent on each other. For example if one organ in the digestive system is not functioning properly then the whole system is affected. This is also the case when one member of the family is not carrying out his or her particular function this can result in a break down of the family structure.
      In my family, which is a nuclear family, there were times when one member experienced problems and was unable to perform his or her function. This placed a strain on the other family members, as they now have to take on that additional task in order to maintain stability in the family to an extent. I am also in agreement with this theory that states that the family has four essential functions. Even though I saw it as three main functions initially, from the theorists’ perspective sex and reproduction are separated, in the sense that persons do not have to have` sex’ or sexual intercourse to reproduce.
      However i do not agree that the nuclear family is the ideal family as persons belnging to ther families are no less than those in a nuclear family. I also dis agree with that view of the structural functionalism theory where believed that the best way for a family to maintain its structure, is for the husband to play the role of the breadwinner providing for the family, while the wife nurtures and meet the emotional needs of the family.Both husband and wife are now breadwinners and nurture and care for the family together. For some families the husband is the homemaker while the wife is seen as the breadwinner. These roles continue to change as society changes.

  2. According to the structural- functional perspective the family is a part of the larger society which must carry out its functions effectively in order for its proper functioning. The structural- functionalism theorist believes that if all family members do not fulfill their role properly then the family is considered to be dysfunctional. I am in disagreement with this view because though both the man and the woman have their specific functions one of them may neglect their role and it does not necessarily means that the family is dysfunctional.
    Despite the fact that one of the adult members fails to carry out their function effectively it does not mean that the other adult member cannot take on that added responsibility and function effectively. The structural functional perspectives see the traditional nuclear family as the ideal family unit however, the non-traditional nuclear family sometimes functions better than the traditional nuclear. The structural functional perspectives see divorce and separation as dysfunction in the family because their main focus is the effect this will have on society. However, I believe that if individuals in a family are unsatisfied or uncomfortable with what is happening in the relationship they should do the greater good by going their separate ways. Instead of settling in an abusive relationship which may be fatal in the end, it is best to go your separate ways where both parties may find happiness. Society comprises of persons with different personalities thus conflicts are inevitable.
    I was raised in an extended family unit because my parents separated when I was a child. I do not think this has caused me to be a lesser person than someone who was raised in the traditional nuclear family unit. Society is dynamic thus, things have been changed over the years and since the era of the structural functionalist many changes have been made. A lot of women no longer see their place in the home.

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  4. The Structural/Functional Theory – This lesson was rather interesting, the introduction of the lesson help with the understanding of the theory where the family is a structure of society. It functions like the human body where all body parts depend on each other or work together to carry out specific functions. The head on the body cannot do without the eye, so it is that each family member is interdependent of each other.
    There are four main functions of the family; still this has me puzzled; I believe that sex and procreation should go together as one. A man a woman must have sex in order for reproduction to take place, although in the case of an adoption or artificial insemination no sexual intercourse is required.
    In Jamaica some individuals still believe that the woman place is in the home and a man is supposed to be the breadwinner. The ladies however are getting educated and working outside the home although this can be demanding especially if the other family members does not help with house chores. I believe that every member of the family must work together and no chores are design for any special individual. In my family, since my son was born my husband does not allow me to wash or iron; if I am at home while he is doing this then I will help. He does this with pleasure without complaining. He believes that I must on a Saturday and spend time with my son. This comes back to gender equality the freedom of choice.
    I disagree with theory when he states that the family is dysfunctional when things are done outside of the norm. It depends on the family and the type of agreement they have.

    1. Yes Naquida a man and a woman must have sex in order to procreate outside of artificial insemination but not all the times people have sex their aim is to procreate. Some persons have sex as a mean of enjoying themselves while satisfying the lust of the fresh. At first I was puzzled too but after giving it some thoughts I understand. Can you imagine if all the time persons have sex procreation were to take place? What would the population be like?

  5. Structural/ Functionalism Theory
    The lesson on structural/functional theory was quite interesting. This theorist views the family as a body or system where each member has to perform their own particular task. The body is made up of different parts and each part cannot function without the other. This shows that the family cannot execute any task, without each family member actively participating and depending on each other for support. I strongly believe that the family functions effectively when sharing common goals, norms and beliefs by each member.
    The theory is of the view point that when one individual in the family does not carry out his/her function the burden is left on another family member which can become strenuous, this can cause the family to be dysfunctional thereby causing a breakdown in the family structure, which may lead to separation or divorced.
    I was raised into a nuclear family and my father was considered the breadwinner and my mother stayed at home to do domestic duties and care for the children. My dad was of the belief that my mother ought to do the household chores while he works outside the home to take care of the family. This placed a strain on one person which may lead to a breakdown in the family structure; fortunately it has not caused a problem within my family.
    I was of the opinion that there are three main functions of the family, where sex and procreation was classified as one. However, this is not so, according to the theorist perspective, sex is separated from procreation. In our reorganized world women are now moving towards alternative forms to be impregnated and choosing marriage as an option. Women have become liberated and can at times do without men, on the other hand they have the option now of having a child without a man helping firsthand.
    Family members roles have now changed as both wives and husbands are now breadwinners and household chores are now shared by both. Family roles continue to change as the world moves into different eras and this I believe is good in any well functioned family.

    1. well even though you are from the nuclear family where your father plays the instrumental role of the bread winner if both parents spit the roles equally it would be easier for all its members.

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  7. In this theory they view the family as a system ,where each member of the family perform different roles in order to work efficiently and effectively in society.In this theory the family is expected to perform four basic functions which includes ,socialization ,this is where the family educate its members ,in so doing teaches them certain norms ,value and customs which will prepare them to function in society. Another such function is to provide economic support in this function the family is expected to provide the basic needs of the family such as food, clothing and shelter. Procreation is another function of the family where the family will engaged in sexual intercourse to continue God’s procreative work. However, the finally function of the structural functional theory includes sex where two persons from opposite sex will engage in sexual activities to satisfied each other sexual desires.
    The theorists who study this perspective views the nuclear family as the ideal one where the male is seen as the breadwinner performing the instrumental roles: providing food and shelter females on the other hand plays the expressive roles of the homemaker providing the emotional support and nurturing qualities that sustain the family unit and support the male. These theorist are also of the view that these functions must be performed for individuals to be happy and not be considered dysfunctional.
    In today’s society this statement is not entirely true as these roles are changing where the females are the breadwinners and the males the homemakers. Even though the nuclear family is considered the ideal family, single parent families can be as effective and efficient as the nuclear where either parent has the necessary skills and qualities to perform both roles.

  8. The Structural/ Functionalism Theory view the family as a system and compare it to the human body. This theory states that, like the parts of the body, each member of the family needs to complete their roles and responsibilities so that the family can function effectively. Members are considered interdependent on each other.

    I agree with this part of the theory, where as for any system, organization, group, union or structure to function effectively each part needs to be operating at its full potential.
    This theory considers the nuclear family as the ideal family. This ideal family in their view has father as the head of the household where he performs instrumental functions such as breadwinner while the wife performs expressive functions as homemaker. This theory in my opinion is outdated. Society has grown past this aspect of gender inequality. I grew up seeing my mom and my dad going to work every day. Both parents in my family assumed the role of breadwinner. According to the functionalism theory, this is dysfunctional. If a family should work together to meet family needs in the best way possible, it is only wise that in our world today where the cost of living keeps rising, two incomes will allow the family to function better than one.
    The theory also highlights four major functions of the family including: sex, socialization, economics and procreation. Sex is considered different from procreation because persons have found different ways to produce children. I also believe that persons don’t only have sex for procreation, people have sex merely for pleasure, and therefore I agree that it should be separated from procreation.

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    The Structural functionalism is a theory that deals with consensus. I realize that all aspects of the family are related and are very important for it to function. For me, I think that this theory caters for the nuclear family which is considered to be the ideal family. In society today, there are many other types that work together the same way for the greater good of their family too.
    In this day and age the structural functionalism theory is not realistic, in the case where husband should assume the role of bread winner in the family and women take care of the expressive aspect of the family. In my opinion, with the tough economic situation that we are faced with both parents should share the roles and responsibilities of the family in order for it to function effectively.
    In my family I don’t think the structural functionalism theory fits in. I grew up with both parents, but my mother played a greater role of being a bread winner for the family than my father. My mother was more family oriented than my father and would always ensure that the family is secure. Even though my mother played that instrumental role that did not change that strong structure the family had. I do not see where the ideal family is better than my family.
    I do agree that sex and reproduction are two separate functions in a family. In some families people have sex just to fulfill their desires and not for reproduction. On the other hand reproduction does not only take place through sexual intercourse but can also take place through invitro-fertilization.


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